Promotional strategies
The Four Major Promotional Tools
The basic idea behind the "marketing concept" - that you make what you can sell rather then sell what you make - does not mean that your product will sell all by itself.Even a good ,attractively-priced product that clearly satisfies a need has to be made known to its (1).........customers.During the introduction and growth stages of the standard product life cycle, the producer(or importer, and so on)has to develop product or brand (2)..........,i.e. inform potential customers(and distributors, dealers and retailers)about the product's existence, its features, its advantages, and so on.
According to the well-known "Four Ps" formulation of the marketing mix(product, place, promotion and price), this is clearly a matter of promotion.Since budgets are always limited, marketers usually have to decide wich tools - advertising,public relations ,sales promotions, or personal selling - to use, and in what proportion.
Public relations (often abbreviated to PR) is concerned with maintaining, improving or protecting the image of a company or product. The most important element of PR is publicity which(as opposed to advertising)is any mention of a company's products that is not paid for, in any (3),viewed or heard by a company's customers or potential customers, aimed at assisting sales. Many companies attempt to place stories or information in news media attract attention to a product or service. Publicity can have a huge impact on public awareness that could not be achieved by advertising, or at least not without an enormous cost. A lot of research has shown that people are more likely to read and belive publicity than advertising.
Sales promotions such as free samples, coupons, price reductions, competitions, and so on, are temporary (4).........designed to stimulate either earlier or stronger sales of a product. Free samples, for example,(combined with extensive advertising), may generate the initial (5).........of a new product. But the majority of products available at any given time are of course in the (6).........stage of the life cycle. This may last many years, until the product begins to be replaced by new ones and enters the decline stage. During this time, marketers can try out a number of promotional strategies and tactics. Reduced - price packs in supermarkets, for example, can used to attract price - conscious brand - switchers, and also to counter a promotion by a competitor. Stores also often reduce prices of specific items as loss leaders which bring customers into the shop where they will also buy other goods.
Sales promotions can also be (7) distributors, dealers and retailers, to encourage them to stock new items or larger quantities, or to encourage off - season buying, or the stocking of itmems related to an existing product. They might equally be designed to strengthen brand (8).........among retailers,or to gain entry to new markets. Sales promotions can also be aimed at the sales force, encouraging them to increase their activities in selling a particular product.
Personal selling is the most expensive promotional tool, and is generally only used sparingly, e.g. as a complement to (9)......... . As well as prospecting for customers, spreading information about a company's products and services, selling these products and services, and assisting customers with possible technical problems, salespeople have another important function. Since they are often the only person from a company that custumers see, they are an extremely important (10).........of information. It has been calculated that the majority of new product ideas come from customers via sales representatives.
2a) Insert the following words in the text :
advertising, aimed, awareness, channel, loyality, maturity, medium, tactics, target, trial.
Answer :
(1)target , (2)awareness , (3)medium , (4)tactics ,(5)trial ,(6)maturity ,(7)aimed ,(8)loyality ,(9)advertising ,(10)channel.
Translation :
Russian variant :
Четыре основных инструмента продвижения.
Основная идея, стоящая за «концепцией маркетинга» заключается в том, чтобы производить то, что можно продать, а не продавать то, что производишь, ещё не означает, что ваш продукт будет продавать себя сам. Информация даже о хорошем продукте, с привлекательной ценой, который явно хорошо удовлетворяет потребности, должна быть донесена до своей (1) .................. аудитории. Во время представления и стадий роста стандартного жизненного цикла продукта, производитель (или импортер и т.д.) должен разработать (2) ................... для продукта или бренда, например, проинформировать потенциальных покупателей (а также, дистрибьюторов, дилеров и розничных торговцев) о наличии продукта, его характеристиках, преимуществах и так далее.
В соответствии с формулировкой широко известного принципа четырёх Пи маркетинг микса (продукт, место, продвижение, цена), всё это дело продвижения. В связи с постоянной ограниченностью бюджета, специалисты по маркетингу обычно должны определиться с инструментарием: реклама, связь с общественностью, продвижение продаж или личные продажи, что именно использовать и в каком соотношении.
Связь с общественностью (также известная, как PR) связана с поддержанием, улучшением или защитой имиджа компании или продукта. Самым важным элементом PR является гласность, которая (в противоположность рекламе) является любым неоплаченным упоминанием продуктов компании, в любом (3) ............... прочтенная, просмотренная или услышанная клиентами или потенциальными клиентами компании, направленная в помощь продажам. Многие компании стараются поместить истории или информацию в новостях, чтобы привлечь внимание к товару или услуге. Гласность может оказывать огромное воздействие на осведомлённость публики, которая не могла бы быть достигнута рекламой, по крайней мере, без огромных затрат. Многие исследования показали, что люди больше склонны доверять публицистике, а не рекламе.
Такая раскрутка, как бесплатные образцы, купоны, снижение цен, конкуренция и прочие временные (4) ............................ спроектированны для стимулирования или более ранних, или просто лучших продаж продукта. Например, бесплатные образцы, (в купе с экстенсивной рекламой), могут создать изначальный (5) ............................ нового продукта. Но большая часть продуктов, доступных в определенный период времени находятся на (6) ................. стадии жизненного цикла. Это может продолжаться много лет, пока продукт не начнёт заменяться новыми и войдёт в стадию спада. Во время этой стадии, маркетологи могут попробовать применить несколько стратегий и тактик продвижения. Например, наборы по сниженной цене в супермаркетах, могут использоваться для того, чтобы привлекать покупателей, не привязанных к определенному бренду, но следящими за ценой, или для того, чтобы противостоять предложениям конкурентов. Магазины часто снижают цены на определенные товары, создавая убыточного лидера, который привлечет в магазин покупателей, покупающих и другие товары.
Стимулирование продаж может происходить и посредством (7) ……………. на дистрибьюторов, дилеров и розничных торговцев, для того, чтобы поощрять их на складирование нового товара, или товара в большем количестве, или для стимулирования покупок в мертвый сезон, или на складирование товаров, связанных с существующим продуктом. Они могут быть спроектированы как для того, чтобы укрепить (8) ……………… бренда среди розничных торговцев, так и для того, чтобы войти на новые рынки. Стимулирование продаж может быть направлено и на персонал, занимающийся непосредственно продажами, поощряя их на повышение активности при продаже определенного продукта.
Личные продажи – наиболее дорогой инструмент стимулирования и, в общем-то применяется довольно скупо, например, в качестве дополнения к (9) …………………… Помимо поиска потенциальных клиентов, распространения информации о продуктах и услугах компании, продажи этих продуктов и услуг и помощи клиентам в решении технических проблем, продавцы выполняют другую, очень важную функцию. Будучи единственным представителем компании, которого увидит клиент, они выступают чрезвычайно важным (10) ………………… информации. Было посчитано, что большинство идей для новых продуктов поступают от клиентов через продавцов.
Romanian Variant :
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
उनित ७ " लेबर रेलातिओंस "
1B Vocabulary
1C Listening
1 Unions are a necesasary voice for the interests of workers.
2 In countries like South Korea or Poland,or South Africa,trade unions have played an enormous dynamic political and economic role.
3 As long as employees have needs that need to be represented they'll need trade unions.
4 Sensible employers, that want effective social peace and want also a team-working and dynamic economy , should be encouraging trade unions.
5 In some of the most successful economies, a strong trade presence is recognized by employers and accepted as a partner by government.
2C Listening
1 manual workers
2 trade union
3 to consult
4 adversary
5 uneconomic
6 tirany
7 deregulation
8 public sector
9 confrontational
10 conglomerate
Who Needs Unions ?
Manual an service industry workers are often organized in labour unions,which attempt to ensure fair wages,reasonable working hours and safe working conditions for their members. British unions are known as trade unions because,as in Germany, they are largely organized according to trade or skill: there is an engineer's union, an elecricians' union, a train-drivers' union , and so on. In other countries , including France and Italy, unions are largely political: workers in different industries join unions with a particular political position.
Industrial relations tend to be better in coutries,industries and companies where communications are good,i.e. where management consults workers on matters that will concern them,where neither side treats the other as an adversary,and when unions do not insist upon the preservation of completely uneconomic jobs and working practices. Although some employers and managers (and political parties) oppose the very existence of unions - even though, like doctors,lawyers,accountants, and so on,they might themselves belong to a professional association with similar basic aims- many management theorists stress the necessity of unions. In the 1970s,Peter Drucker wrote that "Management is and has to be a power.Any power needs restraint and control - or else it becomes tyranny. The union serves an essential function in indusrial society."Yet one of the chief objectives of right-wing governments in the 1980s ( e.g. in Britain and the USA ) was to diminish the power of trade unions , and to deregulate labour markets in acordance with the ideal of free markets.
Asa result of deregulation,working conditions in many industrial in many countries have worsened,leading tj the creation of a great many casual , part-time,unskilled jobs done by non-inionized workers. France,for example, has the lowest number of workers in trade unions in the industrialized world. The unions now represent less than 10 % of the French work force , and most of those are in the public sector. The vast majority of French workers seem to have rejected the confrontational politics of the main uinions, notably the communist-controlled CGT. Consequently,when the largely non-unionized French lorry drivers blocked all the motorways in the summer of 1992,sriking over the introduction of a new driver's license with a penalty-point system ( and over their working conditions in general), the French government found no one to negotiate with.
In fact, a number of politicians and bussiness leaders are beginning to regret the weakness of unions . some managers, including Antoine Riboud, the former head of the huge Danone food conglomerate, actively encourage unionization because they insist that a big company needs someone to represent and articulate the needs og the employees and act as a social partner to the emplyer. But there is clearly a problem if workers believe that the unions are incapable of doing this, and choose not to join them.
*Peter Drucker: An Introductory of Management
Kovalenko Andrew
1B Vocabulary
1C Listening
1 Unions are a necesasary voice for the interests of workers.
2 In countries like South Korea or Poland,or South Africa,trade unions have played an enormous dynamic political and economic role.
3 As long as employees have needs that need to be represented they'll need trade unions.
4 Sensible employers, that want effective social peace and want also a team-working and dynamic economy , should be encouraging trade unions.
5 In some of the most successful economies, a strong trade presence is recognized by employers and accepted as a partner by government.
2C Listening
1 manual workers
2 trade union
3 to consult
4 adversary
5 uneconomic
6 tirany
7 deregulation
8 public sector
9 confrontational
10 conglomerate
Who Needs Unions ?
Manual an service industry workers are often organized in labour unions,which attempt to ensure fair wages,reasonable working hours and safe working conditions for their members. British unions are known as trade unions because,as in Germany, they are largely organized according to trade or skill: there is an engineer's union, an elecricians' union, a train-drivers' union , and so on. In other countries , including France and Italy, unions are largely political: workers in different industries join unions with a particular political position.
Industrial relations tend to be better in coutries,industries and companies where communications are good,i.e. where management consults workers on matters that will concern them,where neither side treats the other as an adversary,and when unions do not insist upon the preservation of completely uneconomic jobs and working practices. Although some employers and managers (and political parties) oppose the very existence of unions - even though, like doctors,lawyers,accountants, and so on,they might themselves belong to a professional association with similar basic aims- many management theorists stress the necessity of unions. In the 1970s,Peter Drucker wrote that "Management is and has to be a power.Any power needs restraint and control - or else it becomes tyranny. The union serves an essential function in indusrial society."Yet one of the chief objectives of right-wing governments in the 1980s ( e.g. in Britain and the USA ) was to diminish the power of trade unions , and to deregulate labour markets in acordance with the ideal of free markets.
Asa result of deregulation,working conditions in many industrial in many countries have worsened,leading tj the creation of a great many casual , part-time,unskilled jobs done by non-inionized workers. France,for example, has the lowest number of workers in trade unions in the industrialized world. The unions now represent less than 10 % of the French work force , and most of those are in the public sector. The vast majority of French workers seem to have rejected the confrontational politics of the main uinions, notably the communist-controlled CGT. Consequently,when the largely non-unionized French lorry drivers blocked all the motorways in the summer of 1992,sriking over the introduction of a new driver's license with a penalty-point system ( and over their working conditions in general), the French government found no one to negotiate with.
In fact, a number of politicians and bussiness leaders are beginning to regret the weakness of unions . some managers, including Antoine Riboud, the former head of the huge Danone food conglomerate, actively encourage unionization because they insist that a big company needs someone to represent and articulate the needs og the employees and act as a social partner to the emplyer. But there is clearly a problem if workers believe that the unions are incapable of doing this, and choose not to join them.
*Peter Drucker: An Introductory of Management

Kovalenko Andrew
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