Sunday, February 21, 2010
1 Most management and marketing writers now distinguish between selling and marketing. The 'selling concept' assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-selling techniques to buy non-essential goods or services. Products are sold rather than bought. The 'marketing concept', on the contrary, assumes that the producer's task is to find wants and fill them. In other words, you don't sell what you make you make what will be bought. As well as satisfying existing needs, marketers can also anticipate and create new ones. The markets for the Walkman, video games, personal computers, and genetic engineering, to choose some recent examples, where largely created rather than identified.
2 Markets are consequently always looking for market opportunities - profitable company is likely to enjoy a differential advantage, due to its distinctive competencies (the things is does particularly well). Market opportunities are generally isolated by market segmentation. Once a target market has been identified, a company has to decide what goods or services to offer. This means that much of the work of marketing has been done before the final product or service comes into existence. It also means that that the marketing concept has to be understood throughout the company, e.g. in the production department of a manufacturing of company as much as in the marketing department itself. The company must also take account of the existence of competitors, who always have to be identified, monitored and defeated in the search for loyal customers.
3 Rather than risk launching a product or service solely on the basis of intuition or guesswork, most companies undertake market research (GB) or marketing research (US). They collect and analyze information about the size of a potential market, about consumers' relations to particular product or service features, and so on. Sales representatives, who also talk to consumers, and other important source of information.
4 Once the basic offer, e.g. a product concept, has been established, the company has to think about marketing mix, i.e. all the various elements of a marketing programm, they integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expand on them in order to influence the target market. The best-known classification of these elements is the '4 Ps': product, place, promotion and price. Aspects to be considered in marketing products include quality, features (standard and optional), style, brand name, size, packaging, services guarantee. Place in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution channels, location of points of sale, transport, inventory size, etc. Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotion, an personal selling, while price includes the basic list price, discounts, the length of payment period, possible credit terms, and so on. It is the job of a product manager or a brand manager to look for ways to increase sales by changing the marketing mix.
5 It must remembered that quite apart from consumer markets (in which people buy products for direct consumption) there exist an enormous producer or industrial or business market, consisting of all the individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that are used in production of other goods, or in the supply of services to others. Few consumers realize that the producer market is actually larger than the consumer market, since it contains all the row materials, manufactured parts ad components that go into consumer goods, plus capital equipment such as buildings and machines, supplies as energy and pens and paper, and service ranging from cleaning to management consulting, all of which have to be marketed. There is consequently more industrial than consumer marketing, even though ordinary consumers are seldom exposed to it.
Essay: Marketing
Today, marketers have an extremely difficult task, when deciding on how to sell their products, where to sell them and most importantly, to whom. The global market has become highly competitive and consumers increasingly demanding and difficult to satisfy. Markets are full with products and services, which are very similar in features, thus it's much harder to differentiate one's product offer. Consequently, marketers have to constantly monitor market trends; new products and services entering the market but above all, they have to pay special attention to consumers - what their needs, tastes and wants are; and what their buying behaviour is. It is crucial to the company's success, to be able to determine what drives the customer to buy a specific product.
Customer value and satisfaction.
All consumers have basic needs and wants which the try to satisfy. To identify those needs and wants is at the basis of sound marketing practice. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs (please refer to Appendix 1), people have different needs they seek to satisfy, such as basic physiological needs - air, water, sleeping, eating, love etc. Once those basic needs are met, people seek to satisfy needs related to 'self-actualization', e.g. career satisfaction, status and power.
Strong points:
• The sales of products increased considerably with introduction in economy of concept of marketing.
• The quality of products and services increase.
• It easy to receive profit from production process.
Weak points:
• Customers buy products what they doesn’t need.
• Consumers are psychological influenced by producers.
• Marketing provides additional spending for producers.
We have seen that, nowadays, it's of vital importance to pay close attention to consumers' needs and wants, as they drive the global market. Hence, the objectives of an organisation should be centred on the consumer's needs; in order to achieve and maintain customer satisfaction, as opposed to concentrating purely on 'sales'.
Vodeaniuc Vadim
1b Vocabulary
Mach up the words or expressions on the left with the definitions on the right.
1 distribution channel
2 To lauch a product
3 Market opportunities
4 Market reseach
5 Market segmentation
6 Packaging
7 Points of sale
8 Product concept
9 Product features
10 sales representative
A all the companies or individuals involved in moving a particular good or service from the producer to the consumer
B an idea for a new product, wich is tested with target consumers before the actual product is developed
C attributies characteristics of a product:quality,price,reliability, etc.
D dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different requirments or buying habits
E place where goods are sold to the public - shops, stores, kiosks, market stalls, etc.
F possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which a company can profitably produce goods or services
G someone who contacts existing and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services
H collecting, analysing anf reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation (such as a proposed new product)
I to introduce a new product into the market
J wrapers and containers in wich products are sold
1C Reading
Look quickly trough the following text and decide which paragraphs are about these subjects:
.....- company-to-company marketing
.....- indetifying market opportunities
.....- the marketing mix
.....- the selling and marketing concepts
.....- the importance of market research
1D Comprehesion
Which of the following three paragraphs most accurately summarizes the text in 1 c, and why?
First summary:
Marketing means that you don't have to worry about selling your product, because you know it satisfiers a need. Companies have to identify market opportunities by market segmentation: doing market research, fingind a target market, and producing the right product. Once a product concept has been established , marketers regularly have to change the marketing mix - the product's features, its distribution , the way it is promoted, and its price - in order to increase sales. Industrial goods - components and equipment for producers of the goods - have to be marketed as well as consumer goods.
Second summary:
The marketing concept has now completely replaced the old fasion selling concept. Companies have to identify and satisfy the needs of particular market segments. A product's features are often changed, as are price, the places in which it is sold, and the way in which it is promoted. More important than the marketing of consumer goods is the marketing of industrial or producer goods.
Third summary:
The marketing is that a company's choice of what goods and services to offer should be based on the goal of satisfying consumers' needs. Many companies limit themselves to attempting to satisfy the needs of particular market segments. Their choice of action is often the result of market research. A product's features, the methods of distributing and promoting and promoting it, and its price, can all be changed during the course of its life, if necessary. Quite apart from the marketing of consumer products, with which everybody is familiar, there is a great deal of marketing of industrial goods.
2b Case study
In Teve Moody's hipothetical example, it seems as if there has been a market research failure. before launching the product, the store did not have enough information about the potential market and customers' tastes and opinions.
suppose that you where part of the marketing team responsible for the following product concepts:
1 a new line of swinwear, to be sold by a chain of departament store
2 Fresh Fries
3 a new range of expensive hi-fi equipment
4 a new English dictionary for foreign learners
What market research would you do before developing the products? What specific information would you need? Where could you get it?
In each case, which of the followin sourcef of information do you think would be the most useful, and why?
* Focus grou[ interviews, in which several members of the target market are invited (and paid a small fee) to meet and discuss the product concept
* Internal research: analysing data already available in the company's accounts and sales departaments, which keep records of sales, orders, inventory size, and so on
* Printed source of secondary data, including business newspapers, magazines and trade journals, competitors' annual reports, official government statistics. and reports published by private market research agencies
* Questionnaire research, by telephone, email, or personal interviewing
* The company's own sales staff
* Other sources
Vodeaniuc Vadim, Calancea Adrian
1) Watch the video and answer the questions:
1. Which are the main 4 component parts of Marketing Mix?
2. What does the 1st part of Marketing include?
3. What does the information offer to the consumers concerning your product?
4. What are the new 4 component parts of marketing mix?
5. Name two of the most important aspects of the marketing?
6. What are the most important demographic measures?
7. How many different attributes did Coca Cola came up with in 1990?
8. How much did the sailings of Coca Cola increase?
9. How long did it take the Coca Cola to grow its sales?
10. Who said the following words : “If you nailing the positioning and targeting, the rest falls into place ”
2) Watch the video and explain what they were used for?
1. 4 components
2. 1990
3. 35 attributes
4. 50%
5. Philip Kotler
6. Value position
7. Product dimensions
8. Positioning & Targeting
9. Promotion
10. Battle
3) Correct the following sentences.
1. The four component parts of Marketing Mix are: Product , Place, Price, Buyer.
2. Position is: differentiation from partners.
3. Value position means: what quality of ducts and services do you offer on the market.
4. Service dimension means what products and services do offer on the market.
5. On the USA’s market was a battle between Colgate and Ace.
6. The scientific segments are the following: gender, age, income and education.
7. The sales of Coca Cola increased by 21%.
8. Pepsi introduced 76 new attributes in its marketing policy.
9. “ If you see the positioning and targeting , the rest falls into place “ (Philip Kotler)
10. The suggestion of Philip Kotler words was “Know your friends”
4) Correct the following sentences:
1. The marketing mox includes: product, place, price, promotion.
2. Consumers-side marketing includes: Customer vale, cost of the customer, convenience for the buyer, communication.
3. Position is: differention from competitors, value proposition, product dimension.
4. Targeting is: Who is you positioning your product for?
5. Targeting also can be defined as “your demogaphic segmentation”.
6. Value proosition means: What’s so good about you product.
7. Demographic segments includes: gender, age, income, edulation, location, marital status, culture.
8. “ If you see the positioning and tardeting , the rest falls into place “ (Philip Kotler).
9. The suestion of Philip Kotler words was “Know your customers”.
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Central al MAKETING
ReplyDelete1 Mulţi scriitori de management şi de marketing acum fac diferenta între vânzare şi marketing. "Conceptul de vânzare" presupune că consumatorii rezistenti trebuie să fie convinşi de tehnici viguroase de comercializare pentru a cumpara bunuri sau servicii neesentiale. Produsele sunt vândute mai putin decât cumparat. Conceptul de "comercializare", dimpotrivă, presupune că sarcina producătorului este de a cauta dorintele si a le simti. Cu alte cuvinte, tu nu vinzi ceia ce faci, tu faci ceia ce va fi cumparat. Pe lângă satisfacerea nevoilor existente, marketerii pot la fel anticipa, şi crea altele noi. Marketerii pentru Walkman, jocuri video, calculatoare personale, şi inginerie genetică, aleg cele mai recente exemple, în cazul în care sunt create mai degraba decât identificate.
2 Pieţele sunt, prin urmare, mereu în căutarea de oportunităţi de piaţă - companie profitabilă se bucura de un avantaj diferenţial probabil, datorită competenţelor sale distinctive (lucrurile nu sunt deosebit de bune). Oportunităţi de piaţă, în general, sunt izolate de segmentarea pieţei. Odată ce o piaţă ţintă a fost identificata, o companie trebuie să decidă ce bunuri sau servicii sa-i ofere. Acest lucru înseamnă că o mare parte din activitatea de comercializare au fost făcute înainte ca produsul final sau serviciul sa apara. De asemenea, înseamnă că acest concept de marketing trebuie să fie înţeles în întreaga societate, de exemplu în departamentul de producţie a unei societăţi la fel de mult ca şi în departamentul de marketing. Societatea trebuie să ţină seama de existenţa concurenţilor, care au întotdeauna să fie identificati, monitorizati şi a învinsi în căutarea pentru clienţii fideli.
3 Mai degrabă decât cu risc de lansarea unui produs sau serviciu exclusiv pe baza de intuitie sau presupunerile, cele mai multe companii se angajează cercetarea pietii (Marea Britanie) sau de cercetare marketingului (SUA). Ele colectează şi analizează informaţii despre dimensiunea unei pieti potenţiale, despre relaţiile consumatorilor de un anumit produs sau serviciu caracteristic, şi aşa mai departe. Reprezentanţi de vânzări, informeaza de asemenea, consumatorii, precum şi alte surse importante de informare.
4 După ce oferta de bază, de exemplu, un concept de produs, a fost stabilit, compania trebuie să se gândească la mixul de marketing, adică toate elementele diferite ale unui programm de introducere pe piaţă, de integrare, precum şi cantitatea de efort cu care o companie se poate extinde în scopul de a influenţa piaţa ţintă. Cel mai cunoscut concept de clasificare a acestor elemente este '4 Ps ": produsul, locul de promovare şi preţul. Aspectele care trebuie luate în considerare în comercializarea de produse include calitatea, caracteristici (standard sau opţionale), stil, nume de marca, dimensiunea, ambalajul, servicii de garanţie. Loc într-un mix de marketing include factori cum ar fi canalele de distribuţie, amplasarea punctelor de vânzare, transportul, dimensiunea inventarului, etc. grupuri de promovare împreună cu publicitatea, reclama de promovare a vânzărilor a unui personal de vânzare, în timp ce preţul include lista de preţurilor de bază, reduceri, perioadei de plată, condiţii de creditare posibile, şi aşa mai departe. Este lucrul managerului unui produs sau a unui brand de a căuta modalităţi de creştere a vânzărilor prin schimbarea mixului de marketing.
5 Trebuie sa ne reamintim că în afară de pieţele de consum (în care oamenii cumpara produse pentru consum direct), există un producător enorm sau sau pe piaţa industriala sau de afaceri, constând din totalitatea personalelor si organizatiilor care achiziţionează bunuri şi servicii care sunt folosite în producţia altor bunuri, sau în furnizarea de servicii de la alte persoane. Puţini consumatori asi dau seama că piaţa de producători este de fapt mai mare decât piaţa de consum, deoarece conţine toata material prima, partile produse si componentele care intra în bunuri de consum, plus echipamentul de capital, cum ar fi clădiri şi maşini, livrările de energie şi pixuri şi hârtie, şi servicii de curăţare pana la consultanţă în management, toate acestea trebuie să fie comercializate. Există, prin urmare, mai mult decât pite industrial si de consum, chiar dacă consumatorii obişnuiţi sunt rareori expuşi la acesta.
ReplyDeleteVodeaniuc Vadim, Calancea Andrian
Центрированность маркетинга.
ReplyDelete1.Сейчас большинство исследователей маркетинга и менеджмента разделяют продажи и маркетинг. «Концепция продаж» подразумевает, что устойчивые потребители должны быть убеждены сильными техниками жестких продаж, чтобы купить незначительные товары и услуги. Продукты больше проданы, чем куплены. «Маркетинговая концепция», наоборот, предполагает, что задача производителя- это найти потребности и заполнить их. Другими словами, вы не продаете то, что вы производите, а делаете то, что будет куплено. Наряду с удовлетворением существующих потребностей, торговцы могут также ожидать и создавать новые. Рынки Walkman, видео игр, ПК, и генетического инжиниринга , как недавние примеры, были скорее созданы, чем идентифицированы.
2. Маркетологи следовательно всегда выискивают возможности сбыта- прибыльные возможности заполнить неудовлетворенные нужды или создать новые в областях, в которых компания скорее насладится отличительным преимуществом, благодаря ее отличительным компетентностям( вещам, которые она делает особенно хорошо). Возможности сбыта главным образом изолированы рыночной сегментацией. Однажды определив целевой рынок, компания должна решить, какие товары или услуги предлагать. Это значит, что большая часть работы маркетинга была сделана до того, как готовый продукт или услуга появились на свет. Это также значит, что рыночная концепция должна быть понята через компанию, например, в производственном отделе промышленной компании также как и в самом маркетинговом отделе. Компания также должная брать в расчёт существование конкурентов, которые всегда должны быть выявлены, исследованы и повержены в поиске лояльным клиентов.
3. Вместо того, чтобы рисковать начинать продукт или услугу исключительно на основании интуиции или догадки, большинство компаний предпринимают рыночное исследование. Они собирают и анализируют информацию о размере потенциального рынка, о реакции потребителей на свойства определенного товара или сервиса , и так далее. Представители по продажам, которые также разговаривают с клиентами, являются другим важным источником информации.
4 Как только основное предложение, например, понятие продукта, было установлено, компания должна думать о маркетинговом соединении, то есть всех различных элементах маркетинговой программы, их интеграции, и усилия, которое компания может израсходовать на них, чтобы влиять на целевой рынок. Лучшее – известная классификация этих элементов - ‘4 П’: продукт, место, поощрение и цена. Аспекты, которые рассмотрят в маркетинге продуктов, включают качество, особенности (стандартный и дополнительный), стиль, фирменный знак, размер, упаковка, услуги и гарантия. Место в маркетинговом соединении включает такие факторы как каналы распределения, местоположения пунктов продажи, транспорта, размера инвентаря. Поощрение группируется, давая объявление, гласность, стимулирование сбыта, и продажа персонала, в то время как цена включает основную цену по прейскуранту, скидки, длину периода оплаты, возможных условий кредита, и так далее. Это - работа менеджера продукта или менеджера, продвигающего товар на рынок, чтобы искать способы увеличить продажи, изменяя маркетинговое соединение.
5 Нужно помнить, что кроме потребительских рынков (в котором люди покупают продукты для прямого потребления) существует огромный производительный или индустриальный или деловой рынок, состоя из всех людей и организаций, которые приобретают товары и услуги, которые используются в производстве других товаров, или в поставке услуг другим. Немного потребителей понимают, что рынок производителя фактически больше чем потребительский рынок, так как этот содержит все сырье, произведенные части и компоненты, которые входят в товары народного потребления, плюс капитальное оборудование, такое как здания и машины, поставки, такие как энергия и ручки и бумага, и услуги в пределах от очистки к консалтингу по менеджменту, все из которых должны быть проданы. Следовательно, индустриальный больше чем потребительский маркетинг, даже при том, что обычные потребители редко встречаются с ним.
1b Vocabulary
ReplyDeleteMach up the words or expressions on the left with the definitions on the right.
1 distribution channel
2 To lauch a product
3 Market opportunities
4 Market reseach
5 Market segmentation
6 Packaging
7 Points of sale
8 Product concept
9 Product features
10 sales representative
A all the companies or individuals involved in moving a particular good or service from the producer to the consumer
B an idea for a new product, wich is tested with target consumers before the actual product is developed
C attributies characteristics of a product:quality,price,reliability, etc.
D dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different requirments or buying habits
E place where goods are sold to the public - shops, stores, kiosks, market stalls, etc.
F possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which a company can profitably produce goods or services
G someone who contacts existing and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services
H collecting, analysing anf reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation (such as a proposed new product)
I to introduce a new product into the market
J wrapers and containers in wich products are sold
1C Reading
ReplyDeleteLook quickly trough the following text and decide which paragraphs are about these subjects:
.....- company-to-company marketing
.....- indetifying market opportunities
.....- the marketing mix
.....- the selling and marketing concepts
.....- the importance of market research
1D Comprehesion
ReplyDeleteWhich of the following three paragraphs most accurately summarizes the text in 1 c, and why?
First summary:
Marketing means that you don't have to worry about selling your product, because you know it satisfiers a need. Companies have to identify market opportunities by market segmentation: doing market research, fingind a target market, and producing the right product. Once a product concept has been established , marketers regularly have to change the marketing mix - the product's features, its distribution , the way it is promoted, and its price - in order to increase sales. Industrial goods - components and equipment for producers of the goods - have to be marketed as well as consumer goods.
Second summary:
The marketing concept has now completely replaced the old fasion selling concept. Companies have to identify and satisfy the needs of particular market segments. A product's features are often changed, as are price, the places in which it is sold, and the way in which it is promoted. More important than the marketing of consumer goods is the marketing of industrial or producer goods.
Third summary:
The marketing is that a company's choice of what goods and services to offer should be based on the goal of satisfying consumers' needs. Many companies limit themselves to attempting to satisfy the needs of particular market segments. Their choice of action is often the result of market research. A product's features, the methods of distributing and promoting and promoting it, and its price, can all be changed during the course of its life, if necessary. Quite apart from the marketing of consumer products, with which everybody is familiar, there is a great deal of marketing of industrial goods.
2b Case study
ReplyDeleteIn Teve Moody's hipothetical example, it seems as if there has been a market research failure. before launching the product, the store did not have enough information about the potential market and customers' tastes and opinions.
suppose that you where part of the marketing team responsible for the following product concepts:
1 a new line of swinwear, to be sold by a chain of departament store
2 Fresh Fries
3 a new range of expensive hi-fi equipment
4 a new English dictionary for foreign learners
What market research would you do before developing the products? What specific information would you need? Where could you get it?
In each case, which of the followin sourcef of information do you think would be the most useful, and why?
* Focus grou[ interviews, in which several members of the target market are invited (and paid a small fee) to meet and discuss the product concept
* Internal research: analysing data already available in the company's accounts and sales departaments, which keep records of sales, orders, inventory size, and so on
* Printed source of secondary data, including business newspapers, magazines and trade journals, competitors' annual reports, official government statistics. and reports published by private market research agencies
* Questionnaire research, by telephone, email, or personal interviewing
* The company's own sales staff
* Other sources
Marketing is an integrated process through which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to obtain value from customers in return. It is used to identify the customer, to keep the customer, and to satisfy the customer. A firm in the market economy survives by producing goods that persons are willing and able to buy. That’s why you don’t sell what you make, you make what will be bought. The starting point is always the consumer. We can say that marketing is the art and science of connecting with consumers.
ReplyDeleteMost marketing companies, we understand that today, a business must utilize a variety of marketing mediums in order to be successful. As we’ve seen the key objective of an organization’s marketing efforts is to develop satisfying relationships with customers that benefit both the customer and the organization. These efforts lead marketing to serve an important role within most organizations and within society.
Marketing is also the organizational business area that interacts most frequently with the public and, consequently, what the public knows about an organization is determined by their interactions with marketers.
Strong points of Marketing:
*Developing products that satisfy needs, including products that enhance society’s quality of life;
*Creating a competitive environment that helps lower product prices;
*Developing product distribution systems that offer access to products to a large number of customers and many geographic regions ;
*Building demand for products that require organizations to expand their labor force;
*Offering techniques that have the ability to convey messages that change societal behavior in a positive way (e.g., anti-smoking advertising).
Weak points:
*Possibly the criticism most frequently made about marketing is that marketers are only concerned with getting customers to buy whether they want the product or not;
*Many marketers are guilty of manipulating customers into making unwanted purchases;
*Using such tactics is likely to lead to marketing failure as customers will not be satisfied and will likely not return;
*The use of excessive, non-biodegradable packaging (e.g., use of plastics, placing small products in large packages, etc.)
Today’s marketers undertake a variety of tasks as they attempt to build customer relationships and the knowledge and skill sets needed to perform these tasks successfully are also varied. But basic marketing knowledge is just the beginning, for today’s marketers must possess much more. I think that marketers should be more responsible for its actions and more responsive in addressing social concerns. The field of marketing is dynamic. Changes occur continually and often quickly. Marketers must maintain close contact with these changes through a good information.
Teisanu Elena,EMREI 295