The four major promotional tools.
The basic idea behind the "marketing concept" - that you make what you can sell rather than sell what you make - does not mean that your product will sell all by itself. Even a good, attractively-priced product that clearly satisfiers a need has to be made known to its 1)..... customers. During the introduction and growth stager of the standart product life cycle, the producer (or importer, and so on) has to develop product or brand 2).... , i.e. inform potential customers (and distributors, dealers and retailers) about the product's existence, its features, its advantzges, and so on.
According to the well-known "Four Ps" formulation of the marketing mix (product, place, promotion and price), this is clearly a matter of promotion. Since budget are always limited, marketes usually have to decide which tools - advertising, public relations, sales promotion, or personal selling - to use, and in what proportion.
Public relations (often abbreviated to PR) is concerned with maintaining, improving or protecting the image of a company or product. The most important element of PR is pulicity which ( as ooposed to advertising) is any mention os company's product that is not paid for, in any 3)....... read, viewed or heard by a company's customers or potential customers, aimed at assisting sales. Many companies attempt to place stories or information in news media to attract attention to a product or service. Publicity can have a huge impact on public awareness that could not be achieved by advertising, or at least not without an enormous cost. A lot of research has shown that people are more likely to read and believe publicity than advertising.
Sales promotions such as free samples, coupons, price reductions, competitions and so on, are temporary 4).... designed to stimulate either earlier or stronger sales of a product. Free samples, for example, (combined with extensive advertising), may generate the initial 5)........... of a new product. But the majority of products available at any given time are of course in the 6)............. stage of the life cycle. This may last many years, untill the product begins to be replaced by new ones and enters the decline stage. During this time, markets can try out a number of promotional strategies and tacticts. Reduced-price packs in supermarkets, for example, can be used to attract price-conscious brand-switchers, and also to counter a promotion by a competitor. Stores also often reduce prices of specific items as loss leaders which bring customers into the shop where they will also buy other goods.
Sales promotions also be 7)................ as distributors, dealers and retailers, to encourage them to stock new items or larger quantities, or to encourage off-season buying, or the stocking of items related to an existing product. They might equally be designed to strengthen brand 8).............. among retailers, or to gain entry to new markets. Sales promotions can also be aimed at the sales force, encouraging them to increase their activities in selling a particular product.
Personal selling is the most expensive promotional tool, and is generally only used sparingly, e.g. as a complement to 9)........... . As well as prospecting for customers, spreading information about a company's products and services, selling these products and services, and assisting customers with possible technical problems, salespeople have another important function. Since they are often the only person from a company that customers see, they are an extremely important 10)............ of information. It has been calculated that the majority of new product ideas come from customers via sales representatives.
2a)Insert the following words in the text :
advertising, aimed, awareness, channel, loyality, maturity, medium, tactics, target, trial.
Answer :
(1)target, (2)awareness, (3)medium , (4)tactics, (5)trial, (6)maturity, (7)aimed, (8)loyality, (9)advertising, (10)channel.
Translation :
Romanian variant :
Cele 4 mari instrumente de promovare
Ideea de baza in urma 'conceptului de marketing' - ca tu faci ceea ce poti vinde mai degraba decit vinzi ceea ce faci - nu inseamna ca produsul tau va fi vindut totalmente de sine statator. Chiar un produs bun cu pret atactiv care curat satisface o necesitate trebuie sa fie facut cunoscind consumatorul sau destinat. In decursul introducerii si cresterii stadiului a produsului standart ciclului de viata , producatorul (sau importatorul , si asa mai departe trebuie sa dezvolte produsul sau marca constient , rezulta informarea clientilor potentiali(a distributorilor, dilerilor si vinzatorilor) despre existenta produsului, viitorul acestora, avantajele acestora s.a.
In conformitate cu bine - cunoscuta '4 PS'formulare a mixului de marketing ( locul produsului, promotia si pretul ), aceasta este clar o materie de promotie. Pe cind bugetul este intotdeauna limitat , marketerii de obicei trebuie sa decida care instrumente - de reclamatie, a relatiilor publice , promotii de vinzari sau vinzari personale - sa foloseasca , si in care proportie.
Relatii publice (de obicei abreviate ca PR)sunt legate cu mentinerea, imbunatatirea sau protejarea imaginii companiei sau produsului.Cel mai important element din PR este publicitatea care( ca opus la reclamatie )este o mentiune a produsului companiei care nu este platita, in orice mediu citit, vazut sau auzit de cumparatorii companiei sau cumparatorii potentiali, cu scopul de a ajuta vinzarile. Multe companii incearca sa plaseze istorii sau informatii in noutatile media pentru a atrage atentia la produs sau serviciu. Publicitatea poate avea un impact mare pe constiinta publica care nu poate fi obtinuta prin reclamatie, sau nu mai putin fara un cost enorm. O multime de cercetari ne prezinta ca oamenii sunt mai predispusi sa citeasca si sa creada publicitatea decit reclamatia.
Promovarea de vinzari asa ca probele gratuite, cupoanele, reducerile de pret, concurenta , s.a.,sunt tactici temporare destinate stimularii la oricare mai devreme sau mai puternica vinzare a produsului.Probele gratuite, de exemplu,(combinate cu reclamatia vasta ,poate genera o incercare initiala a unui produs nou.Dar majoritatea produselor disponibile la un anumit timp sunt desigur in stadiul de maturitate a ciclului de viata. Aceasta poate urma mai multi ani ,pina produsul incepe sa fie inlocuit de unul nou si sa intre in stadiul de declin. In decursul timpului dat , marketerii pot incerca un numar de strategii promotionale si tactici. Reducerea - pretului la impachetare in supermarket, de exemplu, poate fi utilizata pentru a atrage constiinta - preturilor la schimbarea marcilor, si de asemenea pentru a calcula promotia concurentului. Depozitele de obicei reduc preturile la itemului specific pentru a pierde liderii care aduc cumparatorii in magazine unde ei vor cumpara si alte bunuri.
Promotiile de vinzari pot de asemenea fi destinate distributorilor, dilerilor si vinzatorilor , pentru a le incuraja sa rezerveze itemi noi sau cantitati largi , sau sa incurajeze cumpararea sezoniera sau rezervarea itemilor relatate la un produs existent . Ei pot egal sa fie proiectate pentru fortarea loialitatii marcilor , sau sa cistige intrarea pe pieti noi.Promotiile de vinzari pot de asemenea sa fie destinate la forta de vinzare pentru a le incuraja sa mareasca activitatile lor in vinzarea unui produs particular.
Vinzarile personale sunt cel mai scump instrument de promovare, si este adeseori utilizat econom, un complement de reclamatie.La fel de bine pentru prosperarea clientilor , raspindirea informatiei despre produsele si serviciile companiei, vinzarea acestor produse si servicii, si ajutarea clientilor cu posibilele probleme tehnice, vinzatorii au o alta functie importanta.Deoarece ele sunt de obicei unicele persoane dintr-o companie care clientii ii vad, ei sunt un canal extrem de important de informatie.Este calculat ca majoritatea ideilor produsului nou vin de la clientii vinzarilor reprezentative.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
I. 1) What strategies does marketing mix include?
a) product
b) planning
c) price
d) place
e) command
f) promotion
g) sale
2) How are those 4 major promotional tools called?
a) 4 s'p
b) 4 p's
c) 4 p
d) 4 p'p
3)Make up the sentences from the following words:
elements, mix, of, support, and, linked, the, are, must, other, each, All.
4) What are the components of an organization's promotional mix?
5) What definition is used to describe advertising?
a) a program, that automatically provides benefits to off set a change in people's income.
b) is any non-personal paid form of communication using any form of Mass Media.
c) alternating time periods of expanding and contracting economic activity.
6) What do public relations involve?
7) Why should sales promotion be used?
8) Finish up the sentence with one of the expressions:
Sending of publicity material to a named person within organization is......
a) advertising
b) direct mail
c) sales promotion
d) personal selling
9) Which direct marketing's is the objective?
10) What are the forms of direct marketing?
a) post
b) e-mail
c) telephone calls
d) mail order
II. Explain how the following data have been used:
a) marketing mix
b) public relations
c) advertising
d) promotional tools
e) direct mail
f) sales promotion
g) personal selling
h) internet promotion
i) target market
j)promotional strategies
IV. True/False questions:
1) The marketing mix consists of production of goods and services and their sale.
2) Firms use Product, Price, Place and Promotional Strategies to reach it's objectives.
3) Only advertising is promotional tool.
4) All elements of the mix are linked and must support each other.
5) The marketing mix principles are non-controllable variables.
6) Advertising is only "TV" form of Mass Media.
7) Public Relations involve developing positive relationships with the organization media public.
8) Selling a product service can be done only face to face.
Key words to the text:
ReplyDeleteadvertising; aimed; awareness; channel; loyalty; maturity; medium; tacticts; target; trial.
Основная идея следующая за «концепцией маркетинга» - то, что ты делаешь, что ты можешь продать, лучше, чем продать то, что ты делаешь – это не означает что твой продукт продастся сам по себе. Даже привлекательный по цене товар, который полностью удовлетворяет потребности, должен быть известен 1....................................
ReplyDeleteВо время введения и роста уровней стандарта «жизненного цикла» продукта, производитель (или импортёр и так далее) должен развивать продукт или бренд 2................................, т.е. информировать потенциальных потребителей (и дистрибьюторов, дилеров и розничных продавцов) о существовании продукта, его особенностях, преимуществах и т.д.
Согласно хорошо известному «Four PC» определению смешанного маркетинга (товары, место, поощрение и цены), это истиная сущность поощрения. С тех пор как бюджет всегда ограничен маркетологи обычно должны определять какие инструменты – реклама, связи с общественностью, стимулирование сбыта, или личные продажи – использовать, и в какой пропорции.
Связи с общественностью (часто аббривируемые как PR) связаны с поддержанием, улучшением защиты вида компании или продукта. Самые важные элементы PR это рекламирование (паблисити), которая (противоположна рекламе) любое напоминание о продукте компании, которое не оплачивают, в любом 3............................., увиденный или услышанный потребителями компании или потенциальными потребителями, направленные на продажи. Многие компании пытаются разместить истории или информацию в новостях чтобы привлечь внимание к товару или услуге. Паблисити может иметь огромное влияние на общественную осведомлённость, котоая не может быть достигнута рекламой, или по меньшей мере ни без огромной цены. Много исследований показали, что люди предпочитают читать и верить паблисити, чем рекламе.
Стимулирования сбыта, такие как бесплатные образцы, купоны, скидки, конкуренция и т.д. являются временными 4.....попытками................... , разработанные для стимулирования даже ранних и сильных продаж товаров. Свободные образцы, например, (соединённые с экстенсивной рекламой) могут вызывать начальные 5.................................. нового продукта. Но большинство продуктов способные в любое время являются конечно в 6........................ уровня жизненного цикла. Это может длиться много лет, до того как продукт будет перемещён кем-то и вступит в этап снижения. На протяжении этого времени маркетологи могут испробовать определённое количество тактик и стратегий продвижения. Серия товаров со сниженной ценой в супермаркетах, например, может быть использована для привлечения заинтересованных сниженной ценой товара, искателей брендов, и также для подсчёта продвижения конкурентами. Магазины также часто снижают цены на специфические товары потерявшие лидерскую позицию, которые приводят покупателей в магазин, где они купят и другие товары.
Стимулирование сбыта также может быть 7............................... у дистрибьюторов, дилеров и розничных продавцов для поощрения их запасливости новыми товарами или их большим количеством, или поощрения межсезонных покупок или запас продуктами связанные с существующими товарами. Они могут равноценно быть созданы для усиления бренда 8...................... между розничными продавцами, или расширения входа на рынок. Стимулирование сбыта может так же быть направлено на усиление продаж , поощряя их для увеличения их деятельность в продаже определённых товаров.
Личные продажи это самые дорогие инструменты продвижения, и в общем используемые редко, т.е. как дополнение к 9.................................. . Так же как поиск покупателя, распространение информации о продуктам и услугах компании, продажи этих товаров и услуг, и помощь потребителям в возможных технических проблемах, продавцы имеют другую важную функцию. В это время они очень часто являются единственным человеком из компании, которого видят потребители, они чрезвычайно важны 10 ............................. информации. Было подсчитано, что большинство новшеств приходит от потребителей через продавцов.
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ReplyDelete1B. Classification.
ReplyDeleteRead the following words and phrases, and then classify them into groups of three, while listening to the interview. The first one has been done for you.
bright colours
digest the lessons
launch a media blitz
novelty of the product
red and yellow
three months
business news
first 25 machines
see the machine
free time on television
Piccadily Circus
test machines
walk down the street
2. Comprehension.
ReplyDelete1. What do you think Jogishwar Singh means by "launching a media blitz"?
2. When will the company start to use advertising?
3. According to what Jogishwar Singh says, what is the difference between advertising and publicity?
3. Summarizing.
ReplyDeleteComplete the following sentences to summarize the text above.
1. When a new product is launched, the producer has to ....
2. Promotion is one of the four ....; sales promotions are one of four different ....
3. The advantages of publicity include ....
4. The four stages of the standart product life cycle (excluding the pre-launch development stage) are .....
5. Reasons to offer temporary price reductions include .....
6. Sales promotions need not only be aimed at customers .....
7. Apart from selling a company's products, sales representatives ....
4. Discussion.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of sales promotions are YOU receptive to?
- coupons giving a price reduction?
- free samples?
- discounts for buying a large quantity?
- prices reductions in shops?
- packets offering 20% Extra?
- competitions?
5. Vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteThere is a logocal connection among three of the four words in each in the following groups. Which is the odd one out, and why?
1. advertising - competitors - publicity - sales promotion.
2. advertising agency - advertising campaigns - media plan - word-of-mouth advertising.
3. advertising manager - brand-switcher - marketing manager - sales rep.
4. after-sales service - guarantee - optional features - points of sale.
5. brand awareness - brand loyalty - brand name - brand preference.
6. competitions - coupons - free samles - line-stretching.
7. credit terms - discount - list price - packaking.
8. decline - growth - introduction - product improvement.
9. focus group interwiews - internal research - media plans - questionnaire.
10. packaging - place - product - promotion.