Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Products and brands

1. Marketing theorists tend to give the world product a very broad meaning,using it to refer to anything capable of satisfying a need or want. Thus services,activities,people(politicians,athletes,film stars),places(holiday resorts),organizations(hospitals,colleges,political parties),and ideas,as well as physical objects offered for sale by retailers,can be considered as products. Physical products can usually be augmented by benefits such as customer advice,delivery,credit facilities,a warranty or guarantee,maintenance,after-sales service,and so on.

2. Some manufactures use their name(the 'family name')for all their products,e.g. Philips,Colgate,Yamaha. Others,including Unilever and Procter & Gamble,market various products individual brand names,with result that many customers are unfamiliar with the name of the manufacturing company. The major producers of soap powders,for example,are famous for their multi-brand strategy which allows them to compete in various market segments,and to fill shelf space in shops,thereby leaving less room for competitors. It also gives them a greater chance of getting some of the custom of brand-switchers.

3. Most manufacturers produce a large number of products,often divided into product lines.Most product lines consists of several products,often distinguished by brand names,.e.g. a range of soap powders ,or of toothpastes.Several different items(different sizes or models)may share the same brand name. Together,a company's items,brands and products constitute its product mix. Since different products are always at different stages of their life cycles,with growing,stable or declining sales and profitability,and because markets,opportunities and resources are in constant evolution,companies are always looking to the future,and re-evaluating their product mix.

4.Companies whose objectives include high market share and market growth generally have long product lines,i.e. a large number of items. Companies whose objective is high profitability will have shorter lines,including only profitable items.Yet most product lines have a tendency to lengthen over time,as companies produce variations on existing items,or add additional items to cover further market segments.Additions to product lines can be the result of either line-stretching or line-filling. Line-stretching means lengthening a product line by moving either up-market or down-market,i.e. making items of higher or lower quality. This can be carried out in order to reach new costumers,to enter growing or more profitable market segments,to react to competitors' initiatives,and so on. Yet such moves may cause image problems:moving to the lower and of a market dilutes a company's image for quality,while a company at the bottom of a range may not convince dealers and customers that it can produce quality products for the high end. Line-filling-adding further items in that part of a product range which a line already covers-might be done in order to compete in competitors' niches,or simply to utilize excess production capacity.

Narină Petrosean & Teişanu Elena

1.Answer to the questions.

1.What we will explore today?
2.How much money was invested?
3.How is the brand?
4.What is the brand?
5.What give the distinction? distinction give a differentiation, and with differentiation you have commodity.
6.What nation begin to use the brand?
7.For what Egyptians had used the brand?
8.What is the branding?
9.What allieds the brand?
10.What influences the brand? (

2.True or false.

1.Welcome to “Brand in an hour” .
2. Today we will exploring the reality about brand.
3. Commodity is not about marketing at all.
4. Parks and services don’t use brand.
5. Brands are build by marketing.
6. A true brand allieds management vision with the company’s culture and its image.
7. The old marketing in advertising make the promise.
8. Different tools use to activate a brand,that is the branding. (
9. With differentiation you don’t have commodity.
10. Brand is misunderstood topic in business today.

3.Find the place of words.

(1-Brand, 2-claim, 3-differentiation, 4-marketing, 5-nothing, 6-simplicity)

Maybe it because ____is intangible or perhaps ____is not about ____at all. So what is it? Brands is a ____ of distinction. It’s not simple, ____more, no labor definitions convoluted with part words in details. Think about the____, with out distinction you can’t have a____, and without ____you have commodity.

4.Correct the mistakes made in the text after listening the video.

A true brand alieds management vision with the company’s culture and its style. The old marketing in advertysing which make the promise ,the product influences the suvers,innovation,engagement and execution of the only organization.This influence insure the brand promise is consistently sent and experienced.Thats why is only the marketing function but noncorporate initiative.


  1. 1.Teoreticieni de marketing tind să dea produsul global o semnificaţie foarte largă, folosindu-l pentru a se referi la ceva capabil să satisfacă o nevoie sau o dorinta. Astfel de servicii, activităţi, oameni (politicieni, sportivi, vedete de film), locuri de statiuni (de vacanţă), organizatii (spitale, colegii, partide politice), şi idei, precum si obiecte fizice oferite spre vânzare de către comercianţii cu amănuntul, pot fi considerate ca produse . Produselor fizice pot fi, de obicei diversificate prin beneficii cum ar fi consilierea clientului, livrare, facilităţi de creditare, o garanţie sau o garanţie, întreţinere, serviciile post-vânzare, şi aşa mai departe.

    2.Unele produce utilizeaza numele lor ( "nume de familie") pentru toate produsele lor, de exemplu, Philips, Colgate, Yamaha. Alţii, inclusiv Unilever şi Procter & Gamble, piata cu diferite produse nume de marcă individual, ca rezultat faptului că mulţi clienţi sunt familiarizate cu numele companiei de fabricaţie. Producătorii majori de pulberi săpun, de exemplu, sunt renumiti pentru strategia lor de varietatea brandului care le permite să concureze pe diferite segmente de piaţă, şi pentru a umple spaţiul de depozitare în magazine, lăsând astfel mai puţin spaţiu pentru concurenţi. De asemenea, le se dă o şansă mai mare de a avea o parte din procesul care invoca posibilitati promte a scimba brandul

    3. Majoritatea producătorilor produc un număr mare de produse, de multe ori împărţită în linii de produse.Majoritatea produselor de linie sunt compuse din mai multe produse, de multe ori se disting prin nume de marcă,. De exemplu. o gamă de praf de săpun, sau depasta de dinti.Citeva articole diferite (de diferite marimi sau modele) pot avea acelasi nume.Impreuna au aceeaşi marcă, articolele unei companii, mărci şi produse constituie un mix.De atunci produsele diferite sunt întotdeauna la diferite etape ale vieţii lor de cicluri, cu tot mai mare, stabil sau vânzările sunt in descrestere şi a rentabilităţii, şi pentru că pieţele, oportunităţile şi resursele sunt în evoluţie constantă, companiile sunt mereu în căutarea spre viitor, şi re-evaluare a mixul lor de produse.

    4.Companiile ce au drept obiectiv să obţină o cota de piaţă şi extinderea pietii, în general, au linii de produse lungi, şi anume un număr mare de articole. Companiile ce au drept obiectiv să obţină o înaltă profitabilitate deţin linii de produse mai scurte, şi anume un număr mare de articole profitabile. Insa majoritatea liniilor de produse au tendinţa de a-şi prelungi longitivitatea, pe masura ce companiile diversifică articolele existente, sau a adăuga elemente suplimentare pentru a acoperi mai multe segmente ale pieţii. Suplimentele la linii de produse poate fi rezultatul, fie a extinderii sau a completarii liniilor de produse. Extinderea liniilor de produse presupune atragerea acestora sau in piata de sus sau in piata de jos, şi anume considerarea elementelor de calitate privind produsul. Acesta masura are loc cu scopul de a atrage noi consumatori, de a penetra o piata mai profitabila si de a reactiona la intiativa cocurentilor etc. Insa astfel de masuri pot provoca probleme de imagine: se inrautateste si pentru piata diminuaeza calitatea imaginii companiei in timp ce compania la sfrirsitul listei nu poate convinge dilerii si consumatorii ca ar putea insfirsit marfa calitaive. Linia care pe parcurs foloseste operatiuni suplimentare la etapa de prosucere in serie pe care deja fusese exploatata poate fi creata pentru a concura pe nisele competitorului sau [ur si simpluutilizeaza in exces/ cu zel capacitatea de producere.

  2. Exercises

    1b Reading/45
    Read the following text, and write a brief heading for each paragraph.

    1c Comprehension

    1.Why do the big soap powder producers have a multi-brand strategy?
    2.Why do companies’ product mixes regularly change?
    3.What factors influence the length of companies’ product lines?
    4.What are the potential dangers of line-stretching?
    5.Why might companies undertake line-filling?

    1d Vocabulary
    Find words or expressions in the text which mean the following.

    1.The possibility of paying for a product over an extended period
    2.A promise by a manufacturer or seller to repair or replace defective goods during a certain period of time
    3.A surface in a store on which goods are displayed
    4.Consumers who buy various competing products rather than being loyal to a particular brand
    5.The standard pattern of sales of a product over the period that it is marketed
    6.The extent to which an activity provides financial gain
    7.Possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which the company can produce goods or services effectively
    8.The sales of a company expressed as a percentage of total sales in a given market
    9.The set of beliefs that the public at large holds of an organization
    10.A small, specialized, but profitable segment of a market.

    2a Discussion
    Do you ever use vending machines? If so, what for, why and when?

    Answer Keys

    1.Products capable to satisfy a need./ Which physical objects are considered products?/ Physical products and their benefits.
    2.Brand names./ The most famous brand names./ Multi-brand strategy leaves less room for competitors.
    3.Products’ life cycle./ Examples of product lines./ What is product mix constituted by?
    4.Company’s strategy./ Most product lines have a tendency to lengthen over time./ High profitability is the objective of companies.

    1.Big soap powder producers use a multi-brand strategy in order to be able to compete in various market segments, fill shelf-space in shops, thereby leaving less room for competitors and giving a greater choice to brand-switcher.
    2.Companies’ product mixes regularly change because these companies want to keep pace with the growing or declining sales and profitability, they adjust markets, opportunities and resources which are in constant evolution.
    3.The factors that influence the length of product lines are: the objectives set by the companies, time, line stretching or line-fillings. High profitability, as an objective means shorter product lines. Although most product lines have a tendency to lengthen over time, by producing variation on existing items, or add additional items.
    4.Moving to the lower end of a market affects the image of the company for quality, which changing the bottom of a range it would lead to convince customers and dealers that it can produce quality product for the high end.
    5.Companies usually undertake line-filling to compete in competitors’ niches, or simply to utilize excess production capacity.

    1.Credit facility
    2.Guarantee/ Warranty
    3.Shelf/ space
    6.Lengthening/ Profitability
    7.Market opportunity
    8.Market share
    9.Image of a company

    No, I’ve never used vending machines. If there would be a shop next to my place I would buy products there.
    But, besides me there are a lot of people that are using vending machines. Why? Because sometimes they need different products at a rather unexpected time. Vending machines have been created that allow food to be served hot or cold. By using vending machines one may compliment traditional catering by providing convenient and economic solutions to many problems. Factories, hospitals and emergency services work round-the-clock, but their canteens may provide services only during the day.

    Teişanu Elena & Narină Petrosean

  3. Product may mean an item that ideally satisfies a market's want or need. A brand is a name, sign, symbol, slogan or anything that is used to identify and distinguish a specific product, service, or business. Brand is the image of the product in the market. A product line is a group of products that are closely related, either because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges. A unique benefit of the product is the core driving principle behind any successful product or service. First of all, everyone needs something useful. Meanwhile it steps a benefit. But if there are a lot of similar products with the same benefit, you get less chances of succeeding. That's why you need to identify unique benefit (along with all the other benefits) of your product or service.
    A brand is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace. Brands should be seen as more than the difference between the actual cost of a product and its selling price - they represent the sum of all valuable qualities of a product to the consumer.
    Strong points:
    * The main benefit of branding is that customers are much more likely to remember your business. A strong brand name and logo/image helps to keep your company image in the mind of your potential customers.
    *lower marketing costs;
    *quicker identification and integration of innovations (discovered worldwide)
    *increasing international media reach (especially with the explosion of the Internet) is an enabler
    *increases in international business and tourism which are also enablers.
    *“Brand” is the face of a company and "Product" is whatever company is selling in the market to generate revenue (using its face value).
    Weak points:
    * Lack of information about a product can be problematic.
    * Cost. If you wish to create and maintain a strong brand presence, it can involve a lot of design and marketing costs.
    * One of the main problems with many branded businesses is that they lose their personal image.
    * The process of creating a brand will usually take a long period of time.
    In conclusion we can say that branding is one of the common methods of differentiating the product from competitor products in the marketplace. The difference between a product and brand is that a product refers to the physical object produced either a physical issue or a service, whereas brand refers to the title given to the certain product or services that is recognizable to the consumers. I think that the brand is a part of a product or service that helps to show its quality and value.

    Teisanu Elena,EMREI 295
